Order Report - Wealth Transfer & Family Discussion: Growing Generosity, Desire to Discuss and Benefits of Partner Planning for Retirement
Report Overview
This Timely Topic Report analyzes household involvement in inheritances, incidence of small funded trust accounts, and impact on a variety of consumer attitudes and wants:
- Understand who's transferred or will be transferring assets. Who expects to receive bequests and the anticipated amounts.
- Learn about the types of conversations families have about money. Who drives them. Hint: it differs, depending on the money topic.
- Identify quantifiable benefits of partner retirement planning.
Select Key Findings
- Over one third (38%) of those who expect to leave an inheritance want to discuss the transfer but don't know how.
- Half or more households with $100,000 in investable assets expect to leave an inheritance.
- Retirement planning together cuts in half the worry about a spouse/partner not being able to carry on if their partner predeceases them.
About the Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database
The Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database (IQDB) is the comprehensive resource for understanding and analyzing behaviors and attitudes of retail savers and investors. With an annual sampling wave that includes all age and wealth segments, the database is now composed of over 50,000 U.S. households and 1,600 fields and derived variables stretching back to 2010. The database enables sizing and profiling of virtually any demographic, behavioral or attitudinal definition for consumer groups. Timely Topic Reports focus on emerging trends that change each year.
This new 46-page report features 34 exhibits.

Executive Summary
Key Findings & Implications, Favorite Talking Points, Related Research, Table of Contents
1. Consumers Are More Involved in Inheritances
Involved in Inheritances Net, by Involvement, by Year
Inheritance Amounts, Have Received, Expect to Receive and Expect to Leave, by Investable Assets, by Store, by Year
2. Funded Trust Accounts Are Widespread
Beneficiary of a Funded Trust, by Investable Assets, by Year
See Value in Paying for Professional Financial Advice, by Incidence Rate and Value of All Trusts, by Year
Net Feelings about Financial Security, by Incidence Rate and Value of All Trusts, by Year
Importance of Want from Firm: Has Low Fees, by Incidence Rate and Value of All Trust, by Year
Expect to Spend Most of My Money on Myself, by Incidence Rate and Value of All Trusts, by Year
3. Unmet Appetite to Discuss Inheritances
Inheritance Amounts, Have Received, Expect to Receive and Expect to Leave, by Investable Assets, by Year
4. Family Discussions About Financial Matters Driven by Younger People
ur Family Enjoys Discussing Financial Matters, by Generation and by Lifestage, by Year
I Have Talked with my Children About my Finances/Post-retirement Finances, by Investable Assets and Lifestage, by Year
Have/Had Talked with my Parent(s) About Their Post-retirement Finances, by Investable Assets and Accumulators, by Year
5. More People Are Worried About Their Partners Than Themselves
Worry over Partners Being Able to Manage Their Finances Based on Which Partner Predeceases: National, by Investable Assets and Lifestage, by Year
Engagement in Retirement Planning as a Couple, by Investable Assets and Lifestage, by Year
Challenged of Age Gap and Disagreement Over Investment Decisions, by Investable Assets and Lifestage, by Year
Interested and Engagement in Investing, by Gender and Generation, by Investable Assets, by Breadwinner
I Worry That my Partner Will Not Be Able to Manage Their Finances if I Predecease Them”: by Agreeing or Disagreeing, by Partners who have Engaged in Retirement Planning Together, by Year
Terminology & Definitions, Sample Sizes
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