Order Report - Wants & Pricing: Competition Heats Up as Consumers Seek Multi-Channel Access and Pricing Clarity – a Quantitative Report
Examine pricing trends and the importance of customer wants for firms and financial professionals. In this report, U.S. households rate their top two financial services providers on 27 attributes for 5 key service dimensions and 3 pricing measurements. Satisfaction ratings include customer ratings for the top 24 providers nationally. Top Performer firms have ratings from their customers on top wants distinctly higher than customer ratings of other firms.
This new 72-page report features 46 exhibits. See table of contents and sample pages below.
Select Key Findings
- Nationally, customers place growing importance on “has good mobile apps,” up 7 percentage points.
- Only 25% of customers have a good understanding of how their providers earn money.
- For “unbiased, puts my interests first," Edward Jones* and Ameriprise* are Top Performers. T. Rowe Price is most improved.
About the Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database
The Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database (IQDB) is the comprehensive resource for understanding and analyzing behaviors and attitudes of retail savers and investors. With an annual sampling wave that includes all age and wealth segments, the database is now composed of over 50,000 U.S. households and 1,600 fields and derived variables stretching back to 2010. The database enables sizing and profiling of virtually any demographic, behavioral or attitudinal definition for consumer groups.
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Sample Pages

Table of Contents
Report Executive Summary
Introduction and Methodology
Key Findings and Implications, Favorite Statistics, Related Research
Summary of Top Performer Stores on Wants from Firm and Select Pricing Measurements
1. The biggest increases in wants year-over-year at the national level are in access.
Importance of Wants from Firm: National, Ranked by Most Frequent, by Gender
Importance of Want from Firm: “Has Good Mobile Apps,” “Quality Of Online Tools And Research,” “Quality Of Internet Account Access,” “Local Branch Office Is Easy To Get To”
Crosstabs of Importance of Want from Firm “Has Good Mobile Apps” by “Is Easily Reachable by Telephone” and “Has Good Mobile Apps” by “Local Branch Office Is Easy To Get To”
2. Ameriprise, Edward Jones and Morgan Stanley frequently appear as Top Performers for top wants in each service dimension.
Top Two-Box Importance and Satisfaction Ratings on Select Wants from Firm by Service Dimension, All Primary and Secondary Customers
3. Consumers who use financial professionals have gotten more demanding.
Importance of Wants from Financial Professional: by National, by Investable Assets, by Lifestage
4. Many firms have significant portions of customers who use investment professionals at other firms.
Use of Any Fin Pro as Source of Information and Advice: by Store
Use of Any Paid Investment Professional for Information/Advice: by Store
Use of Investment Professional at that Store
Comparison of Investment Professional Usage: by Store
5. Confusion about pricing is up.
Overall Pricing Mechanism
Product Pricing Mechanism, Pay Percentage for Product – Price Paid
Store Pricing Mechanism, Pay Percentage to Store – Price Paid
Understanding of How Firms Earn Money
Crosstab of Understanding of Pricing Mechanism by Understanding How Firm Earns Money
6. There are no Top Performers on most of the pricing measurements.
Top Two-Box Importance and Satisfaction Ratings on Select Pricing Measurements by Service Dimension, All Primary and Secondary Customers
Net Pricing (Mechanism & Price Paid), “Don’t Know” NET, Pricing Mechanism
Understanding of How A Firm Earns Money – Top 2 Box: By Store
Wants and Pricing Insight Module Data Dictionary
Glossary, Sample Sizes
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