Key Finding #1: Consumer optimism about their financial futures bounced back to a remarkable high except for consumers with job disruptions, households with high income but low assets, and Millennials.
1.1 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: National, By Year
1.2 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By Investable Assets, 2020 vs. 2019
1.3 Feelings about Financial Future, No Anxiety (Top Box): By Investable Assets, By Year
1.4 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By Income Levels, By Year
1.5 Feelings about Financial Future, High/Moderate Anxiety Level for Consumers with $160K+ Income: By Investable Assets, By Year
1.6 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By Generation, 2020 vs. 2019
1.7 Feelings about Financial Future, No Anxiety: By Generation, By Year
1.8 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By COVID Impact to Employment, 2020
1.9 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By Impact of COVID on Fear of Losing Job Soon, 2020
1.10 Feelings about Financial Future, All Anxiety Levels: By Impact of COVID Remote Learning on Employment, 2020
1.11 Perception of Experience with Investing, All Experience Levels: National, By Year
1.12 Perception of Experience with Investing, All Experience Levels: By Investable Assets, 2020 vs. 2019
1.13 Perception of Experience with Investing, All Experience Levels: By Lifestage, 2020 vs. 2019
1.14 Risk Tolerance, All Comfort Levels: National, By Year
1.15 Risk Tolerance, All Comfort Levels: By Investable Assets, 2020 vs. 2019
1.16 Risk Tolerance, "Comfortable" with Risk (Top 2-Box): By Generation, By Year
1.17 Risk Tolerance, All Comfort Levels: By Impact of COVID on Fear of Losing Job Soon, 2020
Key Finding #2: Goals also rebounded but show a focus on short term.
2.1 Saving & Investing Goals, Have 2 or More Goals: National, By Year
2.2 Saving & Investing Goals, All Goals: National, By Year
2.3 Saving & Investing Goals, All Goals: National, By Year
2.4 Top 5 Saving & Investing Goals: By Generation, 2020
Key Finding #3: The biggest spike in national concerns centers around the U.S. economy, up +11ppts in one year, and among knowledgeable consumers, currency stability.
3.1 Concern about Issues, High Concern (Top 2 on 10-Point Scale): National, 2020
3.2 Top 10 Concerns, Levels of Concern on a 5-pt Scale: National, by Year
3.3 Top 10 Concerns, Levels of Concern on a 5-pt Scale: National, by Year
3.4 Inflation vs. Deflation, Levels of Concern on a 5-pt Scale: National, by Year
3.5 Crosstab of Concern About "Deflation" by Concern About "Inflation": National, 2020
Key Finding #4: Receptivity to advice is warming, along with wanting connections between banking and investing, packaged products, and Information about the asset managers behind those products.
4.1 Select Attitudes by Levels of Agreement on 3-Point Scale: National, by Year
4.2 Select Attitudes by Levels of Agreement on 3-Point Scale: National, by Year
4.3 Select Attitudes by Levels of Agreement on 3-Point Scale: National, by Year
4.4 Select Attitudes by Levels of Agreement on 3-Point Scale: National, by Year
4.5 Crosstab Analysis for Attitude About "Understand Financial Advisor Role" by attitude "Value in Paying for Professional Financial Advice": National, 2020
4.6. All Attitudes, by Levels of Agreement on 10-Point Scale: National, 2020
4.7 All Attitudes, by Levels of Agreement on 10-Point Scale: National, 2020
Key Finding #5: One in 3 consumers says "the COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing," with implications for investment solutions, banking and advice.
5.1 Attitude: "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": By National, By Lifestage, By Investable Assets, 2020
5.2 Crosstab of COVID-19 Impact on Employment by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.3 Crosstab of Impact of COVID-19 on Fear of Losing Job Soon by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.4 Crosstab of Feelings about Financial Security by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.5 Crosstab of Feelings about COVID Impact to Income by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.6 Crosstab of Attitude "I See Value in Paying for Professional Financial Advice" by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.7 Crosstab of Attitude "I am interested in advice on the best way to tap into my retirement and general savings to fund my expenses during this crisis" by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": by National, 2020
5.8 Crosstab of Attitude "I'd prefer one product that combines different investments to accomplish a goal, over me or an advisor assembling a portfolio of many component investments" by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.9 Crosstab of Attitude "It is OK to have debt even when I have the money to pay it off" by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020
5.10 Crosstab of Attitude "Being able to bank and invest at the same firm appeals to me" by Attitude "The COVID-19 crisis has changed my attitudes towards saving and investing": National, 2020